Onsite Engineer (駐點工程師) de undefined em Logicalis

Data de Postagem 2/9/2025

Resumo do Emprego

  • Tipo de Profissional:
  • Tipo de Vaga:
  • Experiência
    Not Specified
  • Data de Postagem

Descrição da Vaga

Why choose Logicalis?          


As Architects of Change, Logicalis' focus is to design, support and execute clients' digital transformation by uniting their vision with their technology expertise and industry insights. The company, through its deep understanding of key IT industry drivers such as security, cloud, data management and IoT, can address customer priorities such as revenue growth and business, operational efficiency, innovation, risk and compliance, data governance and sustainability. 

We strengthen our purpose: to design, support, and execute our customers' digital transformation by converging their vision with our technological expertise and knowledge of the industry. The brand refresh underpins both the evolution of Logicalis’ positioning as well as our strategic vision for growth. 

Job summary:


Job Responsibilities:

  • 駐點工作執行與確保客戶滿意
  • 日常維護報表產製
  • 系統操作,網路及資安設備問題查修
  • 協助駐點專案執行、維運執行
  • 主管交辦事項

Required Qualifications:

- Essential

  • 資訊相關科系畢業
  • IT相關工作經驗1年以上
  • 具備企業網域與企業有線,無線網路基本概念
  • 溝通、表達能力佳,具團隊合作精神
  • 高度學習意願及服務熱忱

- Desirable

  • 個人電腦作業系統與應用系統之問題(WINDOWS系統 / OFFICE 等OA軟體)協助排除,包含作業系統及套裝軟體之安裝、設定、升級、問題排除
  • 虛擬化平台(VMWare)基本認知與操作
  • 具備文書管理、資訊管理等知識
  • 團隊合作、溝通、表達能力佳
  • 能適應快速步調,可獨立作業、主動積極,使用者服務導向
  • 具 Router / Switch, Wireless, Security 等建置及整合經驗尢佳

Required Competencies:

  • 自主學習:學習精神是初階工程師在工作上最基本的態度。惟有不斷的自我充實,才能應付日益改變的IT環境。
  • 正面恢復力:於第一線直接面對客戶的挑戰在所難免,具備正面客觀的思考方式,才有能力去接受及承擔更困難任務。
  • 負責任的執行:責任感是客戶對我們一線工程師正向的觀感之一。負責任的工作態度及足夠的技術能力是與客戶共同成長的主要因素。

Posting Code: #LI-WH1

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